Monday, January 12, 2009

Colosi Nero D'Avola 2007

If you follow this blog at all you might have noticed that one of my favorite everyday wines for the past couple of years has been the Colosi Rosso Nero D'Avola. Going back to the '06 and '05, I've been recommending it to everyone I know and it's great to see it's popularity begin to soar.

So today as I watched Gary Vaynerchuck's Italian Red Wine Tasting Episode 601, I was happy to see him taste this Colosi (which I believe is the next level up from the Rosso) and rave about it. Sporting a new label for 2007, it garnered 90 points from Robert Parker.

Gary talked about aromas of vanilla cream, floral, lilac, earthiness, and artichoke while on the palate spicy, good fruit, lilac, black pepper and solid tannins.

He was blown away by this wine and its value.

I can't wait to try it.

PS: Prices seem to range from about $12 at the Wine Library in NJ... to $20 at Sussex Wines & Spirits on East 42nd street, the only place in NYC that so far carries it.


  1. Penn Wine & Spirits now carries it as well. Located within Penn Station, 34th Street.

  2. What is Penn Wine & Spirits charging for it?
