Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Il Borro Polissena

This Supertuscan is made from hand picked 100% Sangiovese grapes, ruby red and shows a dry countenance that is gracefully balanced and possesses a finish that is long and proud.

As though you stopped to pick a mushroom off the forest floor, the nose is a bold flourish of earth and moss, while the flavors caress the tongue with red fruits. The naturally high acidity of Sangiovese as well as the luscious tannins combine to create this beautiful example of a Supertuscan.

Winemaker's notes:

Polti is the highest vineyard at the Il Borro estate, approximately 350 meters above sea level. Planted at a density of 4,500 plants per hectare the soil is schistose and marly with exceptional drainage perfect for Sangiovese.

At the end of August, the vines are thinned to obtain 1Kg of grapes per plant, 45 quintals (4500 kg) of grapes per hectare with a yield of 30 hl of wine per hectare, producing nearly 1 bottle per plant. The grapes are selectively hand picked, destemmed, crushed and placed stainless steel vats by natural gravity. The first day of fermentation, approximately 10-20% of the juice is drained from the skins to increase the concentration of the wine. The alcoholic fermentation lasts for 10 days and the maceration on the skins continues for 22 days at a controlled temperature of 28°C.

The wine is racked into French oak barriques from Alliers where it undergoes malolactic fermentation around the end of November, it then is racked a second time before maturing 12 months in barriques. The wine is then placed stainless steel vats for 1 month to rest before undergoing a light filtration and bottling.
Polissena remains in the cellar to age in the bottle for 6 months before being released.


  1. castello/ edwest_98@yahoo.comAugust 31, 2009 at 5:07 PM

    Just found your blog via the wine wench(gonzo gastronomy). Why no comments. I don't see a price or a rating on the wines. The Super tuscan sounds very nice.

  2. Castello,

    I usually do include the price for each wine, this bottle was a gift but I think it's in the $20+ range.

    I don't use a rating system, I feel wine tasting is a totally subjective exercise. My policy is to describe the wine as best I can unless I dislike it, in which case I just don't write about it.

    thanks for the comments,

  3. Can anyone provide me with their thoughts of best cheese pairing for 2007 Toscana? I have a wine party and hope for some good advice./mw
