Sunday, August 8, 2010

COS Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico DOCG 2007 VQPRD, Sicilia

The first time I tried this super intriguing Sicilian red was a few years back at In Vino with proprietor and East Village Wine Geek, Keith Beaver. I finally got hold of a bottle for about $31 at Pop's in Island Park, Long Island- and as last time, it didn't disappoint. I love this wine!

Made with 60% Nero d'Avola grapes blended with 40% Frappato, dry but with a balanced acidity, medium weight, and sexy aromas of licorice and cherry pie... also hints of glycerine blending with spicy cinnamon flavors and powdered dry flowers, dusty rose and violets.

Or... we can say it in a Haiku:

Spicy cinnamon,
Licorice and cherry pie,
powdered dusty rose.

Footnote: COS was established in 1980 by three friends—Giambattista Cilia, Giusto Occhipinti, and Pinuccia Strano—each of whom is represented by the initial letter of his surname in the winery’s title.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dave, thanks for the tip. I'm always looking to expand my sicilian knowledge and this looks like something to seek out.

    Speaking of Sicilian knowledge, I don't know if you are on the Chamber Street Wines e-mail list but they just annouced a tasting "Sicily in New York" that they're holding on September 11th at i Trulli. I plan on going, mainly because of the wines but also (as you know) I love the food. Frank Cornelissen will be there and his wines will be poured. If you're not familiar with the name, google him, he's a pioneer winemaker in Sicily and one that I'm very much looking forward to meeting. There will be others as well. I'll forward you the e-mail just in case.

    Again, thanks for the recommendation, I'll absolutely try and find this.
