Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dal Piaz to Italy's Top Winemakers: Embrace Social Media

Gregory Dal Piaz, Editor in Chief of Snooth, told a panel of Italy's top wine producers to embrace the new social media vanguard, namely wine bloggers. The challenge: To address the massive amount of information that consumers wade through regarding Italian wines which had been previously disseminated thru the wine press, thus opening lines of communication between producers and consumers. Greg explained that a small investment in creating an internal blog or hiring a blogger to field the questions for them would offer curious consumers direct interaction with producers and that would be a very a good thing. This kind of unique opportunity would enable producers to explain all sorts of things, such as what sub-regions are, as well as answer any other questions.

The Instituto Grandi Marchi is composed of 17 of Italy's most renowned wine producers including the likes of Augusto Boffa from Pio Cesare, Raffaelle Boscaini from Masi, Piero Antinori from Antinori, Giovanni Folonari from Ambrogio e Giovanni Folonari, Sebastiano de Corato from Rivera, Jose Rallo from Donnafugata, Giuseppi Tasca from Tasca d'Almerita, and more. The event was held at The New York Public Library this past Monday, October 25th.

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