Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Castello di Monastero Lunanuova Vin Santo del Chianti 2003 DOC

Made from 80% Malvasia and 20% Trebbiano grapes that are ventilated and dried for about 2 months before aging in traditional oak barrels for 5 years. The appearance is a clear amber color, aromatically complex and mature, with hints of oak, caramel, orange peel, pine resin, rosemary, and floral notes, followed by honey, animal, an intensely fruity herbaciousness showing medium sweetness and acidity.

Flavors are alluring with textured body, vibrant viscosity and nicely concentrated on the midpalate. An initial burst on the palate becomes a subtle but vibrant nutty and delicious finale that goes on and on.

Estate bottled in Castelnuovo Berardenga in Tuscany by Lionello Marchesi. 15% alcohol and retails for about $68.

This wine was part of a tasting at the Level ll Intermediate Certificate WSET class in Wine & Spirits this weekend at the International Wine Center.

Winemaker notes:
Vin Santo del Chianti boasts an ancient history and at Castello di Monastero is exclusively made in accordance with traditional rules ad times as regards grape-drying, vinification and refinement. Lunanuova - the name of our Vin Santo del Chianti - is made with 80% Malvasia and 20% Trebbiano grapes grown in the vineyards at Castelnuovo Berardenga. The grapes are harvested early in October and are dried on straw mats raised from the floor in well ventilated lofts. Vinification takes place in December and the resulting wine must is refined for five years in fifty-litre kegs. The wine is then refined for a further eight months in the bottle to ensure a distinctive bouquet of raisins and dry figs. The sweet, creamy taste has hints of aromatic honey and tobacco, with impressive balance between sweetness and acidity.

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