Sunday, March 24, 2013

Francesco Botti Colle Del Saraceno "Montefalco" Sagrantino Passito DOCG

Sagrantino. That is the red wine grape of Montefalco. Just as Sangiovese is the red wine grape of Tuscany. Traditionally the Sagrantino grape was dried and used to make sweet passito wine until in the 1990's when the production of dry Sagrantino was introduced. Well, the Botti family carries on a tradition to keep the Passito (and the Sagrantino) alive, as it has been doing for over 100 years.

Source: it:Utente:EH101
Cantina Botti sits along a ridge overlooking the Umbrian Valley between Assisi and Spoleto, along the Old Roman Road "Flaminia" and near the archaeological site of King Frederick ii who led Saracen soldiers in his army.... thus the name, Colle Del Saraceno (Hill of the Saracen).

Because of its thick skin, Sagrantino grapes result in very tannic and dry wines, but here they are air dried on racks or trellises called Camorcanne for months, then the sweet, dried fruit is fermented and aged in oak.

The aromatics given off by this Passito astounds the senses, with nutty caramel, dried fruit, and exotic spices, combined with a palate of luscious cassis, cloves and cinnamon, and a finish redolent of a liquore. This would make a perfect gift bottle for an Easter dinner.

BTW, I tasted this gem at Eataly's La Scuola celebrating Sagrantino Month.

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